There are primarily 2 types of the telephone sets
1. Pulse Dialing (also known as Rotary Dial, Trigger Dial)
2. Multi-Frequency Dialing (also known as Touch Tone Dial)
1. Working Mechanism of Pulse Dialing
In this type of dialing, a train of the pulse is used to represent a digit in the subscriber number.
The lost motion period(230ms) The moment of the trigger from left to right causes a delay of about (230ms). This lost motion period together with the time taken to rotate the finger plate initially ensures a minimum pause of 400ms occurs between digits.
so, No of Break Pulses = No of Digit Dialed
2. Multi-Frequency Dialing/ Touch Tone Dialing
Example: Pressing the 9 key transmits 1336 Hz and 770Hz.
The touch-tone signaling frequencies should be in the voice band since telephone lines are designed for voice signals and this creates a problem of "talk-off".
This means that the speech signals can be mistaken for a touch-tone signal and undesired control actions such as terminating a call may occur.
To eliminate "talk-off" two frequencies are used, one from the higher frequency band and the other from the lower frequency band. This scheme is also called "Dual Tone Multi-Frequency dialing (DTMF)".